How Many Friends Can You Have in Pokèmon Go?

How Many Friends Can You Have in Pokèmon Go?

One of the most popular questions Pokèmon Go game lovers ask is, how many friends can you have in Pokèmon Go? Yeah, we get this question a lot, so we’ll be looking deeply into that in this post to help the game lovers gain clarity. In Pokèmon Go, there is a friendship list Cap that consists of 400 People, up from 200 at launch.

Building friendships in Pokèmon is essential mainly for sharing gifts, trading Pokèmon, and collectively being a part of raids. Having many friends in Pokèmon Go helps you grow a massive network of fellow trainers from across the globe. So, to always have exciting adventures, you should add as many friends as you desire. But they must not exceed 400 friends.

What Does “Friends” Mean In Pokèmon Go? 

Friends can represent different things for different versions of Pokèmon Go. This often refers to the Pokèmon Amie or Pokèmon refresh feature according to the specific game version. Again, Friends in Pokèmon Go can be seen as other players that you build connections with during the game. In the game, friends are also a social benefit that unlocks tasks. Through interactions with friends, in activities like exchanging gifts, trading Pokèmon, or being a part of lucky egg sessions together, you build your friendship levels more. The higher the friendship levels, the higher the possibility of unlocking valuable rewards like having increased discounts during trading, being able to challenge each other in trainer battles, and gift exchanges that contain practical, and useful materials. 

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How Many Friends Can You Have In Pokèmon GO?

You can have as many Friends as you wish, but they must not exceed 400. However, after they complete 400 friends, if you add any other one, you must take away some for that to be possible. Also, you can develop friendships with individual Pokèmon in games such as Pokèmon Sun and Moon using the impact of the great features, Pokèmon-Amie or Pokèmon Refresh.

Does Pokémon Have a Friend Limit?

Yes, the Pokèmon Go has a limit of 400 friends in its Niantic Friend List. This can also include friends from other Niantic Apps. This Friendship Limit also applies to your friend list, where gifts are exchanged, participation in raids alongside others, and Pokèmon trading. As an active Pokèmon Go player, you should ensure your Friend List doesn't exceed 400. However, if you get to 400 Friends and desire to add some new Friends, you have to remove from the old ones to enable you to achieve your aim.

How Many Friends Can You Invite in Pokémon GO?

In Pokèmon GO, Trainers can invite only five friends to join a raid lobby. To swiftly defeat bosses in Mega and Elite Raids and other higher-tier raids, players might need to request additional trainers. Numerous third-party programs are available to help trainers connect and participate in raids. However, a new feature to invite more friends may have been enabled in a recent Pokemon update.

Is It Good to Have Lots of Friends on Pokémon GO?

Yes, it is good to have lots of Friends on Pokèmon GO, and below are some of the reasons to do so:

For Exchange of Gifts: In Pokèmon GO, having lots of Friends is beneficial and advantageous because you get to exchange gifts, and these gifts usually contain valuable items like Potions, rare Candies, Pokè Balls, etc.

Friendship Level Bonuses: In Pokèmon GO, having lots of Friends is beneficial due to Friendship Level Bonuses. When you interact with Friends regularly, you can boost your Friendship level because the higher your Friends, the more opportunities to get diverse bonuses 

Raiding and Battling: Another benefit of building a vast Friends network on lots of Pokèmon GO is that it makes it easier to find players who will join raid battles or become a part of Trainer Battles. 

Some of the benefits also include:

  • Egg Hatching
  • Social Interaction, etc.

However, building an extensive Friends network and adequately managing it can be tasking, especially with time and resources. So, it's best to strike a balance in making a Pokèmon GO Friend List size you can maintain.

How Do You Get More Than 200 Friends on Pokémon GO?

If you want to get more than 200 Friends on Pokèmon GO or even up to 400, do the following:

  • Exchange Friends Codes
  • Make use of Social Media Communication
  • In-person Interaction
  • Make Use of Remote Raidings and Gifts
  • Utilize Trainers Code


In the Pokèmon GO video game, you can have as many friends as you desire. However, They must not exceed 400 Friends. If after you have 400 friends on your list and still want to add more, you are left with no other option but to remove some Friends. Having a vast Friend List on Pokèmon GO can be beneficial but overwhelming, costing time and resources. So, ensure you build Friends you can maintain.

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