helldiver's 2 Now Has Its Own Version of Elden Ring's Let Me Solo Her


A Helldiver's 2 player spends their time helping lower-level players, drawing comparisons to the legendary Elden Ring player, Let Me Solo Her.

Arrowhead Game Studios'helldivers has its very own version of Let Me Solo Her from Elden Ring, with one player owning up to exclusively helping out lower-level players struggling in the game. Playing Helldiver's 2 with an open lobby will often result in random encounters with strangers online, and this player aims to make this experience as memorable as possible for others.

Helldiver's 2 is one of the most surprising hits of the year so far. After its release, the game gained a ton of momentum online, with its unique flavor of co-op chaos proving popular among players. In the first few weeks, many players were restricted from playing the game thanks to server limits. Understandably, Arrowhead Game Studios was not prepared for the level of success the game would attain in such a short period of time, and the studio acted fast to ensure more servers became available, keeping the momentum rolling. In the weeks since, the developer has continues to update Helldiver's 2 with a bunch of new content, ensuring the game never becomes stale.

In an interview with IGN, the Helldiver's 2 player, who goes by the username .atasu, claimed they play the game by answering the SOS Beacon distress calls of lower-level players. Joining these lobbies, .atasu will often spend their time dishing out high-level equipment to players and helping to complete objectives. Often, they'll run directly to the map's extraction zone, allowing the newer players to complete the level at their own pace, so they aren't making the experience too easy. At level 50, the player has unlocked every Stratagems in Helldiver's 2, and is now on the grind for Super Credits. Until Arrowhead Game Studios releases higher-level unlocks, players can expect to see .atasu helping newer players around the world of Helldiver's 2.

The unique gameplay style has draws obvious comparisons to Let Me Solo Her from Elden Ring, a famous player who would join others in order to help them defeat the Malenia, Blade of Miquella boss fight. This was seen as one of the hardest bosses in Elden Ring, but the skill of Let Me Solo Her made it a breeze for players to progress. They became a legendary figure in the game, and perhaps, with time, .atasu can claim the same status in Helldivers 2.

The future is looking extremely bright for Helldiver's 2. Its runaway success may have caught Arrowhead Game Studios by surprise, but the studio has done a great job adapting to its new circumstances in such a short space of time. Players seem to be enjoying the new additions, including the recent release of Exosuit Mechs in Helldivers 2. Few titles are able to replicate the chaotic power fantasy found in the game, which is why it continues to go from strength to strength.

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